Personal Diary, Sheena Chohan

Team Credits:

Actor: @sheena_chohan

Photographer: Hunter Valentino

Makeup and hair: Ashley Christine

Nick Name:

Favourite Movie:

Favourite Actors:
Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet.

Who is the Real Sheena:
I’m a very emotional and sensitive person. But I’m also very strong and know my mind well. 

Favourite Outfit:
Tailored Dresses designed by my personal favourite designer-Lynda 

Favourite Food:

Favourite Holiday Destination:

First Crush:
My karate master. Hahaha! I was so goofy back then.

Off-screen Sheena Chohan is:  
Fun-loving, relaxed, curious!

One word To Describe You:

If Not An Actor You Would Had Been:
An astronaut.

Your Dream Role:
Yet to come!

Your Deepest Fear: To never find out my true potential.

Most Prized Possession:
My imagination and instincts. I am an instinctive actor and am extremely emotional. I am glad I have this outlet of being an actor so I can just express being different characters

Biggest Accomplishment:
Reaching 150 million people with the message of Human Rights!

What Is Love According To You:
Love Makes the world go round!

What Is Today’s Major Challenge You Think Society Is Facing? 
Degradation, violation of human rights, suppression. Lack of awareness . My campaign talks about it

What Is One Negative Aspect Of You: 
I’m very straightforward and honest and sometimes that’s not taken well. 

What Is Your Positive Quality:

Which of your roles was the most challenging for you to capture?
Rima- in the Ant Story, which was on Netflix. I played a crazy Actress.

Which project is going to release first in the coming days?
A fun Comedy Drama series, where I play a bubbly yet broken hearted girlfriend, releasing next month.

Message To Fans:
Be a sunshine today and every day and let your light enlighten and enliven lives!!

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